Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Return of ....

For some reason i was thinking about Superman's life as a real life situation. Not the fact of a man with super-power trying to hide it and live a normal life. But the part where he just disappears without even telling a bye to his loved ones.
Its a real agony when a LOVED ONE just disappears. Especially when you know that the LOVED ONE might face danger/problem. I have been through that agony. Must say that, its a horrible one. I serious hope that its just once a lifetime event(but it repeated for me).
But the worser part is, when you know that they have returned safely and they have not informed you. But you just came to know through someone else. It just gets worse when you come to know that the LOVED ONE does not want you to know that they are back.
First i was shocked. Then i was angry. Anger became pity. Now i am confused. I am confused if i should accept things as they are and hope that the person will atleast call me oneday and wait. Or consider their disappearance as the END of your relation in this mortal world and relish the time i associated with that person.
In this confusing world, I guess this is going to be the new confusion to my huge list of confusions that is going to haunt me.
Must say that my life is extremely eventful with all these confusions.

1 comment:

RoHiT said...

hey ....tht was real good...puttin ur feelings on the comes the real task of lettin tht prson know hw u felt......